25 October 2023, Budapest I International Pharmacy Conference
Program of the conference
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome speech
Daniel Horák, Head of the EFPC
János Zlinszky, Chairman of Association of Pharmacy Networks
9:20 Speakers
Vaccination and new services in pharmacies
Telemedicine: another dimension of healthcare
Drug shortages and availability of supply chains
16:00 Conference close

Arijana Meštrović, Croatia
Pharma Expert Consultancy and Education; Director, Professional Affairs, FIP Workforce Development Hub Lead for Competency Development; FIP Academic Pharmacy Section Vice President

Tatjana Šipetić, Serbia
Former director of National Drug Agency in Serbia, Former director of Pharmaceutical Chammber of Serbia and currently Chair of Supervisory Board in Pharmaceutical Chamber and Chief Pharmacy Officer in Lilly pharmaces

Razvan Prisada, Romania
President of National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania

Jakub Dvořáček, Czech Republic
Deputy of Minister of Health of the Czech Republic

Daniel Horák, Czech Republic
Head of the EFPC

Miklós Szócska, Hungary
Dean of Faculty of Health and Public Administration, Semmelweis University and Director of Health Services Management Training Center, Semmelweis University

Nikolaj Kolev, Romania
EFPC Board member

Nebojša Đorđević, Serbia
Senior Implementation Specialist, NITES d.o.o. Beograd

Ana Gongola, Croatia
Country Head Croatia at Sandoz

Orsolya Ballai, Hungary
Head of Purchasing Department at Hungaropharma Zrt. and expert of Hungarian Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers

Assena Serbezova, Bulgaria
Medical University-Sofia, Faculty of Public Health, Department of health policy and Management
Moderator of the Conference

Krisztina Bombera